b'Learn more about the Marianists at marianist.com.I nsideMARIANIST UNDERSTANDING OF MARY 4In the first of a two-part series, Marianist Father James Heft presents the Blessed Mothersfaith as described in the congregations Rule of Life. A FAMILYS FAITH .6Father Oscar Vasquez, SM The influence of a Polish pope and the introduction to the Marianist Charism put faith frontProvincial and center for the Stern family.Brother Bernard Ploeger, SMAssistant ProvincialBernadette McCaffrey Groner LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT .8Communications Director Marianist LIFE summer programs continue to shape LIFERs as they meet the challenges ofDave LueckingEditor adulthood.WritersKevin Conway BEAUTY OF GODS CREATION10Father James Heft, SMKathleen NelsonJohn SchroederWith a nature preserve and solar array, Marianists protect the past and look to the future atPhotographers Mount Saint John in Dayton, Ohio. Sid HastingsKathleen NelsonDarren ShiverdeckerSusan Szalewski ROAD TO SAINTHOOD 16Julie WallingIn addition to 10 Blesseds, the Marianist Family has five more potential saints with open causes,ContributorsCuria Generalizia dei MarianistiMarianist Library, University of Dayton plus, two others in the process.National Archives, Marianist Province of the USNorth American Center for Marianist StudiesGraphic design DEPARTMENTSJean Lopez, Lopez Needleman Graphic Design, Inc. Provincial Letter. 2Copy editingJane D. Palisch, JP Marketing Communications Marianist Table.19Front cover: The stunning Swamp Rose-Mallow showsits colors in summer at Mount Saint John near Dayton, Obituaries 22Ohio. This flower grows in the front meadow of theproperty, at the corner of the Labyrinth. Photo byJulie Walling.ALIVE Vol. 21, No. 1Spring 2024ALIVEis published three times a year (Spring, Summer,Fall/Winter) by the Marianist Province of the UnitedStates, 4425 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.For feedback or story ideas, please contact the editor,Dave Luecking, at editor@marianist.com. For changesto your mailing address or to subscribe, please emailmarianist@marianist.com. The Society of Mary(Marianists) is an internationalRoman Catholic religious congregation of priests andbrothers. The Marianist Province of the United Statescomprises about 200 professed brothers and priestsserving in the United States.The Province also includes communities and ministries in India, Ireland, and Mexico. In the United States, it sponsorsthree universities: University of Dayton in Ohio, St. Marys University in San Antonio, and ChaminadeUniversity of Honolulu, as well as 18 high schools/ 4 6 19middle schools, four parishes and four retreat centers.The congregation has been present in the UnitedStates since 1849 when the Marianists came toCincinnati. Blessed William Joseph Chaminadefounded the Society of Mary in 1817.Subscribe Now! For a free subscription to ALIVE magazine, email marianist@marianist.com and writeALIVEsubscription in the subject line. Provide your name, address and phone number.Printed on recycled paper. marianist.com'