b"Learn more about the Marianists at marianist.com.I nsideOUR LADY OF AFRICA4In our Theology of Mary column, Marianist Father Sbastien Bakpenam Abalodo discussesthe importance of the Blessed Mother in Sub-Saharan Africa.FRIENDS INDEED8Father Oscar Vasquez, SM SM Friends pairs students at St. Marys University in San Antonio with elderly Marianists forProvincial mentorship and companionship.Brother Bernard Ploeger, SMAssistant ProvincialBernadette McCaffrey Groner THATS LIFE 14Communications Director Like Blessed Chaminades sodalities of the early 1800s, Marianist LIFE grows small, faithDave LueckingEditor communities in high schools throughout the country.WritersFather Sbastien Bakpenam Abalodo, SM SPORTS PLUS18Joe KennyNathaniel MillerKathleen NelsonThe Marianist Invitational basketball tournament highlights the importance of educating thePhotographers whole person, a characteristic of Marianist education.Sid HastingsKathleen NelsonJerry NaunheimTheresa Petry DEPARTMENTSDarren ShiverdeckerJulie Walling Provincial Letter. 2ContributorsGetty Images Donor Spotlight.6Marian Library, University of Dayton (Ohio) Marianist Table11Graphic designJean Lopez, Lopez Needleman Graphic Design, Inc. In Remembrance 22Copy editingJane D. Palisch, JP Marketing CommunicationsFront cover: Coltrane Marchand (22) of ChaminadeCollege Preparatory of West Hills, California, andSolomon Benavides (4) of Central Catholic HighSchool in San Antonio battle for a rebound at theMarianist Invitational on Dec. 19, 2022, in St. Louis.Central Catholic's Joshua Devora (left), MatthewClack (11) and Joey De Los Santos (21), and Chaminade's Bryce Goldman (behind De Los Santos) look on. Photo by Jerry NaunheimALIVE Vol. 20, No. 1Spring 2023ALIVEis published three times a year (Spring, Summer,Fall/Winter) by the Marianist Province of the UnitedStates, 4425 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.For feedback or story ideas, please contact the editor,Dave Luecking, at editor@marianist.com. For changesto your mailing address or to subscribe, please emailmarianist@marianist.com. The Society of Mary(Marianists) is an international 8 14 18Roman Catholic religious congregation of priests andbrothers. The Marianist Province of the United Statescomprises about 200 professed brothers and priestsserving in the United States.The Province also includes communities and ministries in India, Ireland and Mexico. In the United States, it sponsorsthree universities: University of Dayton in Ohio, St. Marys University in San Antonio and Chaminade For a free subscription to ALIVE magazine, email marianist@marianist.com and writeUniversity of Honolulu, as well as 17 high schools/ Subscribe Now!middle schools, four parishes and four retreat centers. ALIVE subscription in the subject line. Provide your name, address and phone number.The congregation has been present in the UnitedStates since 1849 when the Marianists came to marianist.comCincinnati. Blessed William Joseph Chaminadefounded the Society of Mary in 1817.Printed on recycled paper."